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Common Open Enrollment Notices

Jul 31, 2021

You can make changes to your Medicare coverage each year during Medicare’s Open Enrollment Period, which runs October 15 to December 7. Around September, you will start to receive notices with information about any changes to your coverage for the coming year. It is important to read and understand these notices, as they can help you decide if you should make changes to your coverage during Medicare’s Open Enrollment Period.  
Troubleshooting Medicare Coverage Problems

Jun 30, 2021

In this blog post, we will discuss helpful strategies to avoid experiencing Medicare issues. We will also review ways to identify and solve the problems that do come up.
Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage Appeals

May 28, 2021

In this blog post we discuss how to file an appeal with Original Medicare or your Medicare Advantage Plan.
Medicare and Changes in Residence

Apr 1, 2021

When you move, it can affect your Medicare coverage. In this blog, we’ll discuss various kinds of changes of residence—from in-state to abroad—and what they mean for your Medicare coverage.
Medicare’s Coverage of Care at Home

Mar 1, 2021

There are many different ways to receive more of your care from your own home. In this blog, we will discuss the services that Medicare covers, how you might access them, and what steps you can take to get started.
Medigap Blog

Jan 17, 2020

There are Medigap changes for newly eligible beneficiaries
Medicare Supplement (Medigap) Insurance and Medical Underwriting

Feb 21, 2019

Medicare Supplement, or “Medigap,” insurance policies are designed to fill the cost-sharing gaps for people with Original Medicare. You may have questions about when and how to apply for a Medigap insurance policy. Your State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) will help you assess Medigap options and guidelines specific to your state and your individual circumstances.
Who do I Call About Quality of Care Concerns?

Dec 6, 2018

If you’re a Medicare beneficiary or caring for someone who’s on Medicare, you may at times ask yourself, “Who do I call to report a quality of care concern?” Problems can come up wherever health care providers interact with patients including hospitals, nursing facilities, doctors’ offices and at home. Generally, Medicare beneficiaries can use two procedures—one at the federal level and the other at the state level—to report quality of care concerns. Your state SHIP program can help assess quality of care concerns and decide how to proceed.
Ambulance Coverage

Oct 4, 2018

It’s good to keep in mind that Medicare covers ambulance trips only when they’re medically necessary and reasonable. But what does "medically necessary and reasonable" mean?

Find Your Local SHIP

Your local SHIP will provide you in depth, one-on-one insurance counseling and assistance with Medicare. Click the button below to find one in your area:

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