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Changing Your Part D Plan

Sep 26, 2022

Medicare Part D, the prescription drug benefit, is the part of Medicare that covers most outpatient prescription drugs. Part D is offered through private companies either as a stand-alone prescription drug plan for those enrolled in Original Medicare or as a set of benefits included with your Medicare Advantage Plan. Sometimes a plan’s premium increases or the plan does not cover your new medications. In this blog post we’ll discuss how you can choose and enroll in a new plan for your Medicare Part D prescription drug benefit.
Choosing Between Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage

Aug 1, 2022

It is important to understand your Medicare coverage choices and to pick your coverage carefully. Here we’ll look at one important choice—choosing between Original Medicare and a Medicare Advantage Plan.
Excluded from Medicare Coverage: Dental, Vision, and Long-Term Care

Jun 27, 2022

When Medicare benefits were created in 1965, they reflected the restrictions and limitations of most health insurance at that time. The federal law that created Medicare has specific provisions that exclude coverage for certain things, like dental care and routine vision services. Long-term care services are additionally excluded because they do not meet the definition of health care services in the law. Just because something is not covered by Medicare, though, does not mean that it isn’t needed. As we discuss some types of care that Medicare doesn’t cover, we will include information about other ways of accessing or paying for these services.
Medicare Coverage of Hospice

May 27, 2022

Hospice is a program of end-of-life pain management and comfort care for those with a terminal illness. In this blog about Medicare-covered hospice, we write directly to patients as if they are the ones taking these actions or making these decisions. However, discussions about hospice often involve caregivers and family members as well. If you are a caregiver, family member, or a patient’s appointed representative, you may be leading these conversations or decisions, rather than the patient.
Medicare Savings Programs

Apr 26, 2022

This blog post reviews state programs that help eligible people with their Medicare costs. They are called Medicare Savings Programs (MSPs) and are also known as Medicare Buy-In programs.
Medicare Grievances, Complaints, and Beneficiary Resources

Mar 28, 2022

Things don’t always go according to plan. When unforeseen challenges or mistakes occur with your Medicare, it is helpful to know where to voice your concerns and who can help.
Medicare Coverage of Preventive Services

Feb 24, 2022

Preventive care is care you receive to prevent illness, detect medical conditions, and keep you healthy. A service is considered preventive if you have no prior symptoms of the disease. In contrast, diagnostic services address symptoms or conditions that you already have.
Making Medicare Enrollment Decisions When You Have Other Coverage

Jan 26, 2022

Deciding if and when to enroll in the various parts of Medicare, when you are first eligible, is an important choice. In this blog post we will explain how to make informed Medicare enrollment decisions and avoid penalties or gaps in coverage.
Medicare Coverage of Durable Medical Equipment

Nov 29, 2021

Durable medical equipment, also called DME for short, is equipment that helps you complete daily activities. This category is also sometimes called DMEPOS for durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies. This blog post will help you understand Medicare’s coverage of DME, DME suppliers, and who to contact for more assistance.
Medicare Coverage of Vaccines

Nov 2, 2021

Preventive care is care you receive to prevent illness, detect medical conditions, and keep you healthy. Medicare covers many preventive services, including vaccines. This blog discusses how the different parts of Medicare cover vaccines, along with some important notes about a few common vaccines.

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